UE NEWS Updates


Local 150 Convention: Fight for Safe Jobs and Organize the South

November 17, 2020

Over 70 delegates and guests gathered on November 14 and 15 over Zoom for UE Local 150’s 11th biennial convention. Local 150 President Bryce Carter noted that “This convention is certainly a unique one for us,” being held virtually and in the context of a pandemic. “Our country is in a crisis,” he said, “a moment of turmoil and despair. A moment where from one day to the next day there is uncertainty.”

Western Region Council Meeting: Answer to “World Thrown Into Chaos” is Organizing, Education, Political Action

November 17, 2020

In her President’s Report to the Western Region council meeting, held over Zoom on November 7, Western Region President Charlene Winchell declared that “The world has been thrown into chaos because of the lack of leadership from our president.” She noted Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his encouragement of violence and “vilifying of organizations that stand up for people’s rights” such as Black Lives Matter and organizations fighting for the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

Local 170 Convention Elects New Leadership, Sets Political Action Priorities

November 17, 2020

Since the state of West Virginia does not provide public-sector workers with collective bargaining rights, they have to win improvements, and defend their rights, through political action. As Local Vice President Samantha Crockett wrote in a letter to members following the convention, “Our rights as public-sector workers can be easily either taken away or reinforced by the action or inaction by our elected officials. As working people, we have the right to expect that our governmental bodies will respond to the needs of our members.”

Locals 893, 896 Prevail in Iowa Recertification Elections

November 12, 2020

In recertification elections held in October, UE Locals 893/IUP and 896/COGS won support from over seventy percent of their bargaining units. “This sends a strong message to Governor Reynolds and the Republican-led legislature that we won’t stand down while they attempt to take away our hard won rights and benefits,” said Local 893 President Becky Dawes. “We did it together and with grassroots organizing.”

Coffee Workers Form Worker Co-op In Wake of Mass Firings

October 23, 2020

When workers at Augie’s Coffee demanded recognition of their union last summer, their bosses responded by shutting down all five coffee shops, effectively firing 54 workers. Taking to heart the old Industrial Workers of the World slogan, “The boss needs you, you don't need him,” the workers have now formed a worker co-operative, Slow Bloom Coffee.

Solidarity for Racial Justice at Eastern Region Virtual Meet

October 23, 2020

UE’s Eastern Region council met virtually on Saturday October 17, with delegates joining an all-day Zoom conference. The regional meeting featured the first joint UE-Unifor presentation of a new workshop, “Solidarity for Racial Justice,” developed as part of the North American Solidarity Project’s equity and anti-racism work. UE Co-Director of Education Kari Thompson and Unifor Director of Human Rights Christine Maclin led the workshop.

Bolivia Ousts Coup Government in Democratic Elections

October 23, 2020

Workers in the US may be focusing on our own upcoming elections, but the results of this week’s Bolivian presidential election are worthy of our attention. On Sunday, the Bolivian people elected Luis Arce, ending the brief reign of a far-right government installed by a military coup and backed by the Trump administration. UE’s officers condemned this coup last November.

Local 1107 Retiree Running for State Senate: “I am running on a workers’ platform”

October 14, 2020

Joni Anderson, a recently-retired member of UE Local 1107 in Necedah, WI who served that local in many capacities over the years, is running for state senate in Wisconsin’s 14th senate district. Her pro-worker program includes workers’ rights, healthcare for all, and stronger democracy. Her website proudly displays a photo of Anderson wearing a UE shirt at the state capitol, and she has been endorsed by both UE’s Western Region and the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. The UE NEWS spoke with Anderson earlier this week.



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