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GE Workers Deserve Better Pensions

Abril 14, 2015

All General Electric Workers Deserve Better Retirement Benefits

For more than 75 years, through successive National Agreements with GE, UE has been fighting for income security for our members when we retire.

Over the past decade, GE workers have contributed $1.64 billion of their earnings in the GE Pension Plan, while GE has made a signle contribution - just $433 million - in 2012. By paying for our pension, GE workers have boosted the bottom line profits made by GE. We've earned and deserve better pensions.

In 2014, GE made almost $18 billion in profits from its industrial divisions, where UE and CBC members work. GE can certainly afford substaintial increases in our pensions, so that we have financial security when we retire. US economic recovery would also be significantly boosted by the increased consumer spending resulting from improving our pensions.