UE Delegation Attends Global Nurses Solidarity Assembly

Septiembre 20, 2019

In mid-September a UE delegation, including General President Peter Knowlton and rank-and-file members of UE Local 150, joined National Nurses United’s Global Nurses Solidarity Assembly in San Francisco. Nurse unions from 27 countries gathered to address the global crisis of health care and the attacks union nurses are facing throughout the world.

UE Local 150 rank and file leader Nathanette Mayo spoke on a panel on solidarity organizing in the labor and social justice movements, and Local 150 leader Angaza Laughinghouse led a workshop titled “The Role of the Artist Is to Make the Revolution Irresistible.” Mayo and Laughinghouse also led the assembly in the Fruit of Labor song “Ain’t No Turning Back.”

Nathanette Mayo singing in front of a group. Behind her on the screen are the words "Ain't no turning back, baby. Ain't no turning back" (repeated four times) and "Forward together! Not one step back!" (repeated three times)

The assembly also featured the premier of a new video, “Global Nurses United in Solidarity,” which shows the nurses’ unions from different countries engaging in struggle and connects the global healthcare crisis with struggles over environmental justice and climate change.