UE NEWS Updates


Delegates Respond to Call for Political Action, Review Union Finances in Wednesday AM Session

September 16, 2009

New Haven, CT
Wednesday Morning, September 16

President Hovis introduced Bill Fletcher, longtime labor and civil rights activist, leader and author. Fletcher is currently executive editor of the online magazine The Black Commentator, founder of the Center for Labor Renewal, and Director of Field Services & Education for the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE). He is the former Education Director of the AFL-CIO and former assistant to the president of the AFL-CIO.

Delegates Approve Constitutional Amendments, Re-elect Officers

September 16, 2009

New Haven, CT
Wednesday Afternoon, September 16

Pres. Hovis called on Carl Rosen (Western Region) and Marie Lausch (222) to present the proposed amendments to the UE Constitution. Most of these had to do with the union’s finances, per capita and dues structure, and the pay of officers and staff members. All of the amendments approved by the convention must then be referred to the UE locals, where they are subject to membership vote.



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