UE NEWS Features


Mother Jones, Workers Resistance,and the Origins of Rank-and-File Unionism

Marzo 8, 2013

March 8 is International Women's Day, launched a century ago by the international workers' movement. To mark the occasion, the UE NEWS asked labor historian Rosemary Feurer to write about the legendary labor organizer Mother Jones. Feurer teaches at Northern Illinois University and is the author of Radical Unionism in the Midwest, 1900-1950, (published 2006) an excellent history of UE District 8.

The Long Struggle for Voting Rights

Agosto 20, 2012

Since the founding of the United States, working people have had to fight to win, and to keep, the right to vote. And through American history, rich and powerful people, often calling themselves "conservatives", have tried to maintain their privileges by depriving other Americans of the right to vote.

Visions of Liberation: Robin Kelley on Black and Working Class History, Culture, and Dreams of a Better Future

Febrero 1, 2011

Robin D. G. Kelley, age 48, has over the past two decades become one of the most respected historians of African American life, politics and culture. At the center of all his work is a focus on labor, and on the ways people have struggled not only to survive, but to make a better world.

BP - A Long, Bloody History of Reckless Greed

Junio 24, 2010

British Petroleum, the company responsible for the worst single-source environmental catastrophe in U.S. history, has over its 100-year history caused a number of environmental and workplace disasters. But the harm BP has caused goes further. In the early 1950s, BP and the British government convinced the U.S. to overthrow the democratic government of Iran – an action that has had disastrous consequences for Iran, the U.S., and the Middle East to this day.

People in Struggle Changed History: The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s

Febrero 1, 2001

Some were murdered. Many were brutalized, many more jailed. Young and old braved police dogs, water cannons and batons, the jeers and stones of mobs, the bullets of snipers. But despite the odds, thousands of Americans, black and white, tore down the oppressive system of racial segregation that had dominated the South for decades.
