UE Political Action Updates


UE Joins Rally for Immigrant Rights in Gary

October 9, 2017

On Friday, UE joined a rally at the Gary-Chicago International Airport, to protest the deportation of immigrants.

“An attack on immigrants is an attack on worker rights, and the working and living conditions of all U.S. workers,” said UE Local 1177 executive board member Shelly Burke, who represented UE on the speakers’ list. “We need a halt to deportation and all other harassment of immigrants.”

Sanders’ Foreign Policy Speech Reflects UE Positions

September 29, 2017

“UE has always supported a foreign policy based on labor solidarity and diplomacy,” said UE General President Peter Knowlton. “We especially welcome Senator Sanders’ insistence that our country must seek to build stronger relationships between people at the grassroots level, and his drawing attention to the fact that inequality, corruption and authoritarianism are part of a single system that oppresses and exploits workers across the globe.”

UE Welcomes Introduction of Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

September 14, 2017

"Sanders' Medicare for All bill is exactly what UE members have demanded for decades: a universal, single-payer healthcare system which guarantees coverage for all people," said UE Director of Organization Gene Elk. "We are ready to mobilize our members and communities to take on the health insurance industry, Wall Street, and the politicians who represent them, and to win healthcare as a right."

UE Condemns Trump’s Tolerance of the White Supremacist Attacks in Charlottesville

August 14, 2017

White supremacists and neo-Nazi organizers emboldened by Trump’s presidency see the Trump era as their time and Trump has done absolutely nothing to discourage them. UE condemns the attack on Charlottesville VA and promises to continue organizing in our workplaces and communities to fight racism, fascism and bigotry.

STOP ANDY PUZDER, Trump's anti-labor choice for Labor Secretary

January 25, 2017

Donald Trump has made some horrible choices for his cabinet, such as, for Education Secretary, a billionaire who knows nothing about public education except that she wants to privatize it.  His Treasury Secretary nominee is a former Goldman Sachs partner who foreclosed on 36,000 homeowners, in one case throwing a 90-year-old woman out of her house because she made a 27-cent error on a payment.

DON'T MOURN, ORGANIZE: Statement of the UE National Officers on the Election of Donald Trump

November 14, 2016

The election of Donald Trump, while very disturbing, should not come as a complete shock. For the past several decades the political establishment in both parties has advanced a set of policies known as neoliberalism that has made life harder for working people. Neoliberalism includes free trade, deregulation, privatization, and dismantling the social safety net, and it has been pursued aggressively by Republican administrations since Reagan, and Democratic administrations starting with Bill Clinton. This election year brought rebellion in both parties against what Bernie Sanders called “establishment politics and establishment economics.” That rebellion took the form, in the Democratic primaries, of the inclusive progressive populism of Sanders, and on the Republican side, the authoritarian, bigoted populism of Trump.
