Hundreds of Thousands of Workers Demonstrate from Coast to Coast

Abril 6, 2011

Monday's mass demonstrations against the radical attacks of anti-labor Republicans and big business were even bigger than predicted.  More than 1,200 mass rallies or pickets were held in all 50 states, with several hundred thousand working people participating. Hundreds of UE members came out to various events, a result of one of the largest labor mobilizations in recent years.  And in another sign that the corporate offensive has stalled, two elections held in Wisconsin yesterday both saw the Republican candidates defeated.  Working people were able to defeat the anti-labor candidates despite the massive expenditure of funds on their behalf. 

Commenting on the widespread April 4th actions, UE General Secretary-Treasurer Bruce Klipple said, "Thanks go to all the UE members who responded to the call to action. There is now no question that the tide is turning against the radical Republicans and their big business supporters.  They have made it clear to workers that they intend to reduce us all to a poverty existence, with no retirement pension and health care too expensive to afford -- unless we stop them.  The outpouring of resistance this week is a good sign that the momentum is now ours. Stay tuned for the next call to action."