Three Weeks and Counting: Republican Attacks Slowed Down or Stalled Everywhere

Marzo 4, 2011


The massive attacks launched against working people by Republican lawmakers all across the country are now entering their 4th full week. The corporate media told us that we would have lost by now. Far from it; our demonstrations and resistance to these outrageous attacks has expanded far beyond what anyone thought would have been possible. Our battle has spread to all fifty states and to hundreds of local communities. Most Democrats at the state and local level have stood strong -- so far -- in defense of working people, while numerous Republicans have now begun to look for ways to back-away from the mess they have made. Some Democrats in Congress have spoken out on behalf of working people. As for President Obama, he has barely mentioned the battle underway all across the country. The White House web site totally ignores our massive struggle against the political and corporate attacks on working people. This outright refusal to stand with working people -- when we have come under the most ferocious anti-labor political attacks in our lifetime -- is a disgrace.   

So be it. Working people and our unions are building up a head of steam that does not need or depend on support from unreliable politicians. We will win this battle on our own two feet, and we will not forget who was -- and who was not -- with us during the battle.

Much work remains to be done. While the Republican attack has stalled in places and been slowed-down everywhere, we still face tremendous danger in no fewer than 15 states.  Take a moment and get an update on the struggle unfolding in Wisconsin.  Get an update from Ohio also. Here's more from Ohio on the mass demonstration set for March 8th. The Jobs with Justice blog is also providing updates as events are scheduled.