UE Election Leaflets Available for Download

Octubre 15, 2012

Working people have more at stake in this year's election than in any election in decades. One of the two major parties has become more hostile to workers' rights, unions, and the social protections for which labor has fought, than any of us have seen before. The future of unions in the United States, and the survival of many of the things that we have fought for, is on the line on November 6.

UE has produced a number of leaflets and other documents to help inform union members about key issues in this election, and they're available for download by clicking here.

Included are a statement on the 2012 election that was adopted by UE's General Executive Board at its meeting on September 14, as well as a flyer on how to plan Get Out the Vote (GOTV) activities. Three leaflets outline the GOP's anti-labor agenda, with specifics for private sector and public sector workers. And there are six flyers addressing critical races for the U.S. Senate in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin.

UE locals are encouraged to download the flyers that will be most useful to your members, print out multiple copies, and distribute them to your members.