UE Members Lobby Iowa Legislators

Febrero 14, 2012
UE International Rep. Greg Cross (in dark suit) introduces State Rep. Nate Willems, a former UE Local 896 member and strong UE ally in the legislature. (Photo by Karl Schilling)

Some three dozen members of Locals 893 and 896 participated in the annual UE Iowa Political Action Day on February 7. Despite labor's success in November in electing Liz Mathis and thus retaining the Democratic majority in the state senate, Iowa workers face new political attacks. These include an effort by Republicans to force all state workers to pay $200 a month for health insurance, and Republican Governor Terry Branstad's refusal to fill vacancies, which dumps ever-larger workloads onto already-overworked staff.

The UE conference was chaired by Local 893 Pres. Becky Dawes. Western Region Pres. Carl Rosen brought members up to date on the union's work around the district. UE Political Action Director Chris Townsend helped place the locals' fight in Iowa in a national context. Greg Cross, UE international representative for Iowa, reviewed the main political issues facing UE in the state.

The participating UE members then conducted office visits with dozens of legislators, pressing UE's four-point agenda: full funding for all departments, increased funding for education; closing corporate tax loopholes, and an end to attacks on public worker rights and jobs.

At the end of the day, members reconvened for a report-back session, which was also addressed by Rep. Nate Willems (D), a former member of Local 896 who is currently Local 893's attorney. Willems is planning a run for the state senate in November.

(See more photos from this event at UE's Facebook page.)