Demand Congress Pass Relief Now

Noviembre 24, 2020

Since the pandemic began, more than 60 million Americans have filed for unemployment. Congress must act now, or millions more workers will lose their jobs without a safety net to catch them.

Make plans to join the December 1 Day of Action for #ReliefNow by calling your senators at (202) 224-3121 to demand relief. Or join in-person events in Chicago, Los Angeles and Houston sponsored by the Association of Flights Attendants.

Working people must stand together and demand that the U.S. Congress pass a relief package that serves ALL of us.

Million of jobs are in danger if Congress fails to extend the enhanced unemployment benefits that provided an extra $600 per week and boosted consumer spending. More than five million public sector workers may join the unemployment lines without aid for state and local governments. Hundreds of thousands of aviation workers who were protected by the Payroll Support Program are facing furloughs, and 600,000 postal workers are fighting to preserve their jobs and the vital service they provide.

These are real people. Millions are already teetering on the edge. One in three Americans is behind on housing payments, and 30-40 million are at risk of eviction. Millions are struggling to feed their families and pay their bills. There are five workers searching for every one open job. The last thing we need to do is add millions more workers to the unemployment lines and push the unemployed into deeper financial trouble.