UE Political Action Updates


Voters Choose Obama and Reject the McCain-Bush Program

Noviembre 4, 2008
Voters from coast-to-coast came out in massive numbers on November 4 to elect Democrat Barack Obama as our nation’s first African-American President, and Joe Biden as our next Vice President.  Despite frantic and desperate last-ditch McCain campaign attempts to confuse and inflame voters -- or derail their ability to cast ballots -- there was no stopping the Obama-Biden momentum for change.    

The McBush: Don't Buy That Sandwich

Julio 20, 2008

As the Democratic primary contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama dragged on, the other remaining Senator in the presidential race - Republican John McCain of Arizona - enjoyed valuable time to salve the wounded egos left over from the Republican's own bruising primary battle. His campaign handlers also had time to test different ways to "market" John McCain to voters in the general election. From now until November, the mission of his advertising consultants and campaign operatives will be to "sell" John McCain to the voters.

Bush Crimes Exposed by U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)

Junio 13, 2008

On June 10, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives a 35 count impeachment resolution against President Bush. Kucinich – who met recently with delegates to the UE Political Action Conference – needed more than 4 hours to read the impeachment resolution into the Congressional record. The impeachment articles charge President Bush with a breathtaking list of crimes and impeachable offenses.

Big Business Lobbies Hard to Close More U.S. Factories

Mayo 20, 2008
Big business lobbyists – led by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable – are working frantically this month mounting a last ditch push to pass the pending free trade deal with Colombia.  They have designated May as World Trade Month, and have flooded Capitol Hill with lobbyists in order to try once again to pass this discredited scheme.

What's the Real State of the Economy for Working People? Senator Sanders Investigates

Abril 13, 2008

Washington, D.C. 

Independent U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) has launched a new section of his web page entitled “The Collapse of the Middle Class.” Please take a few minutes and visit this web page.

Working people are encouraged to contribute their own stories of toil and struggle to his web page, unfiltered and un-edited by the corporate news media or economic “experts”.

Clinton vs. Obama: Keep Your Eye On the Issues

Marzo 6, 2008

As the contests to select presidential nominees for the two official political parties comes down the home stretch, it’s good to know that it’s almost over. Senator John McCain (AZ) has won the Republican nomination after a bruising slugfest. President Bush has just endorsed McCain, reason enough to get ready to stop this guy at the ballot box in November. As for the Democrats, the competition continues with Senators Hillary Clinton (NY) and Barack Obama (IL) both focusing on the important Pennsylvania primary election on April 22.
