
Although they were unable to gather in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic, over 100 delegates from across the U.S., along with guests from the U.S., Canada and Mexico, held a successful virtual convention from September 20-24, 2021, with all of the inspiration, education, democracy and solidarity of a regular UE convention.

Video of convention speakers, organizing reports, and greetings from international guests is available on the UE YouTube Channel (youtube.com/UEtube). Please hit the “SUBSCRIBE” button while watching UE videos on YouTube, so you get notified when we post new videos!

UE’s First Virtual Convention Shows Leadership in Tough Times

Octubre 1, 2021

Although they were unable to gather in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic, over 100 delegates from UE locals across the U.S. nonetheless held a successful virtual convention from September 20-24, with all of the inspiration, education, democracy and solidarity of a regular UE convention. They were joined by dozens of guests, including rank-and-file members, new UE members from recent organizing campaigns, retired UE officers and staff, and guests from allied unions Unifor (Canada) and the FAT (Mexico).

Organizing “Heroes” From Across the Country Address UE Convention on Video

Octubre 7, 2021

In his final organizing report to a UE convention before his retirement at the end of October, Director of Organization Gene Elk gave an overview of what he called “one of the most fruitful periods for organizing in UE that I can remember.

“Despite the pandemic and despite outrageous attacks on the labor movement, I am proud to say that organizing is alive and well in UE,” Elk told delegates “Neither the pandemic nor the attack from the right could stop us from carrying out UE’s mission to organize the unorganized.

Delegates Reaffirm Support for Independent Political Action, Medicare for All

Noviembre 6, 2021

Convention delegates overwhelmingly approved resolutions on Independent Rank-and-File Political Action and Medicare for All, recognizing, as the resolution on independent political action states, that “We need to continue to fight and organize independently from both major political parties and unite all workers around our class interests as workers.” Both resolutions embody long-standing UE policy.

Delegates Take Strong Stand for Uniting All Workers

Noviembre 6, 2021

“It's very important that we unite and come together and have conversations and talk about [topics that] none of us should be afraid to talk about,” said Antwon Gibson, Local 610, speaking on the resolution “Fight Racism.” That resolution, along with resolutions on the rights of women, immigrants, and LGBTQ+ people, passed by overwhelming majorities. The resolutions inspired dozens of delegates to share their experiences and thoughts about the many ways that bosses use differences in skin color, gender, sexual orientation and national origin to divide working people, and how best to fight for working-class unity.
