$6/Hour Increase for Nursing Staff in Local 278 Reopener

Octubre 30, 2023

Licensed nursing assistants and medication nursing assistants at the Grafton County Nursing Home will see a $6 per hour increase to their wages thanks to a reopener negotiated by Local 278 in September, which establishes a new Licensed Nursing Staff Wage Chart. All other workers covered by the contract will receive a $2 per hour increase, and shift differentials will increase by $1 per hour, to $2.75 for evening and weekend shifts and $3.75 for night shifts.

The reopener also includes a $2,000 bonus for full-time employees and a $1,000 bonus for part-time employees who meet certain work requirements. It was negotiated by Local 278 President Craig Roy, assisted by retired UE Field Organizer Rachel Clough.