Honor Dr. King by Taking Action for Voting Rights

Enero 13, 2022

This weekend, our nation will celebrate the life and achievements of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. One of his most important achievements — voting rights for all people — is being undermined by voter suppression, gerrymandering, and Supreme Court decisions.

Dr. King’s family, along with faith leaders, civil rights leaders, labor leaders, and voting rights advocates across the country, have issued a call to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this year with ACTION, by demanding passage of voting rights legislation and access to the ballot box.

Take action this week by making calls to your Senators and the White House:

  • Call the Senate Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and urge your Senators to deliver on the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.
  • Call the White House Comment Line at (202) 456-1111 and urge President Biden to step up the pressure on Congress to pass voting rights legislation.

You can download a flyer to print and pass out in your workplace here.

On Monday, take action by hosting or attending an MLK Day event in your community.

“In 2022, we should not have to march to restore the fundamental rights that my father and other activists secured in the 1960s,” said Martin Luther King, III in a letter announcing the actions. “Your voice and actions are critical to delivering voting rights and we hope you will be able to join us in our advocacy.”

Delegates to UE’s 2021 convention chose to prioritize the fight to defend voting rights in the Policy Action Report: “Locals and regions are encouraged to actively engage in local independent political action to ensure that all people are able to exercise the right to vote, including contacting their elected officials to oppose any voter suppression efforts.”