Report Exposes Corporate Front Group Active in Your State Capitol

March 8, 2002

A just-released report has exposed the activities of the "American Legislative Exchange Council" (ALEC), a corporate front-group with major operations in every U.S. state capitol. Produced by the Defenders of Wildlife and the Natural Resources Defense Council, the report is entitled; "Corporate America’s Trojan Horse in the States: The Untold Story Behind the American Legislative Exchange Council."

The report exposes the roots of the ALEC; the corporations that fund it; the role of state elected lawmakers that "belong" to ALEC; and the damage that ALEC has done in state after state as they promote an agenda friendly to big business. The well-researched and documented report is a must read for UE members, especially as the state-level political action work of our union continues to grow and expand. The report is available on-line at several sites; or or

Don’t miss this report! It’s a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the role that corporations increasingly play in our state legislatures.