Bush Crimes Exposed by U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)

June 13, 2008

On June 10, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives a 35 count impeachment resolution against President Bush. Kucinich – who met recently with delegates to the UE Political Action Conference – needed more than 4 hours to read the impeachment resolution into the Congressional record. The impeachment articles charge President Bush with a breathtaking list of crimes and impeachable offenses. Among them are; manufacturing the false case for the invasion of Iraq, misleading Congress, spending funds without authorization, defying Congressional oversight, aiding and abetting corporate crime, illegally detaining and torturing captives, violation of numerous federal laws and Constitutional provisions, and tampering with elections. The next step for the resolution may be Congressional hearings, although Republicans are guaranteed to oppose them, and many Democrats continue to look for reasons to avoid a full bore collision with the White House.

Commenting on the historic action by Representative Kucinich, UE General Secretary-Treasurer Bruce Klipple said, “Our union commends Congressman Kucinich for taking this bold action. Bold action in defense of working people, and on behalf of working people, is in short supply among too many Democrats on Capitol Hill. The Bush - Cheney regime has operated with virtual impunity for the past seven and a half years, and both their conduct and the conduct of much of the Congressional opposition has been a disgrace. Just step back and take a look at the size and scope of the mess they have made; our economy is crumbling, prices are skyrocketing, and we are marooned in an endless and unsustainable war in Iraq. That’s just for starters. Working people are going to give this regime, its Republican supporters, and its corporate sponsors the heave-ho on Election Day. And it won’t be a minute too soon.”