Message for Washington: Enough Talk, Now Fix Something

October 12, 2009

Washington, D.C.

We are approaching the one year anniversary of the election victories of President Barack Obama along with a strengthened majority of Congressional Democrats. Voters – UE members among them – turned out in record numbers last year to support a dramatic shift in our national political priorities. But, other than the early legislative victory to pass the urgently needed stimulus legislation, there is little progress – so far – when it comes to dealing with the major crises facing working people every day. While recognizing the magnitude of the economic, fiscal, political, and military mess left behind by the outgoing regime of Bush and Cheney, this is still an unacceptable situation.

“It’s time for UE members to send a clear message to Congress and the White House - the time for talk is over, and we want to see some results. It’s time for Democrats to stop trying to talk the Republicans into supporting legislation that they have always fanatically opposed. It’s time for Democrats to recognize that Corporate America should be under investigation for their white collar crime wave, rather than trying to make deals with the companies who made the mess we are all trying to clean up. It’s time for Congressional Democrats to get down to business and pass;

* single-payer health care reform, or at minimum reform with an affordable public option;
* legislation to restore the right to join a union;
* a much needed follow-up stimulus package to address the unemployment crisis;
* legislation to end the Iraq and Afghan wars and to bring our troops home.
The need for these reforms are obvious. Working people want action -- we are telling the Republicans to get out of the way, and we are telling the Democrats to start showing some results.” commented UE General Secretary-Treasurer Bruce Klipple today.

UE members are asked to call their Congressional delegation using the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and the White House at 202-456-1111. Your members of Congress and the White House also maintain on-line comment forms which may be used also. You may want to call a state office of your lawmaker – info available on their web pages – instead of their Washington, DC offices to avoid the frequent call volume logjams