Urgent: Stop the Radical Republican Attacks on Workers!

February 17, 2011

Madison, Wisconsin 

Republican politicians in Wisconsin -- and now Ohio -- have declared war on working people. They intend to eliminate collective bargaining for public sector workers, and impose pay and benefit cuts among the massive attacks now underway. Should they succeed they have a bushel basket full of attacks ready for union members in the private sector.

UE members in both states are underway in defense of their union rights. UE members have visited Madison, Wisconsin for 3 days running to join the enormous labor rallies at the state capitol to stop the radical attack on the public sector by Republican Governor Walker. UE members have joined additional local rallies for the same purpose around the state. Leaders from UE Locals 1103, 1107, 1137 and the UE Western Region have visited Madison in-person so far. Phone calls to lawmakers are being made, and the UE Local 1111 Retirees Association made phone calls directly from their meeting on Wednesday, and are still pouring on the pressure. 

To find out who your state lawmakers are please visit the following web page All UE activists are advised to utilize this web site to ensure that our members have the correct information about their state lawmakers. Making sure our members have the correct contact information for their lawmakers is the key to getting phone calls made to these politicians.

Call your lawmakers ASAP and tell them to STOP! these attacks. Our message in Wisconsin is to demand that they "Kill the bill!" They'll know exactly what you mean, as that this issue has mushroomed into a nationwide battle to defend working people. In Ohio, tell lawmakers to STOP SB5! In both states tell the Democrat lawmakers to GET BUSY to defend working people -- we need ACTION!, not more rhetoric or excuses. Where is the Democratic Party? What is it doing at the national and state level to intervene in Wisconsin and Ohio in order to push back these radical Republican attacks?

Updates on the Wisconsin battle may be found at the web page of the Wisconsin State Journal newspaper. Stay tuned and do what you can to multiply the pressure on lawmakers in these two states.