UE Political Action Updates


Peace Movement Grows World Wide

March 3, 2003

As President Bush continues his single-minded push for war against Iraq, working people around the world have increasingly demonstrated their desire for a peaceful resolution to the Middle East crisis. The massive peace demonstrations that took place around the world over the weekend of February 15 and 16 were indications of the growing tide of public opinion against the Bush plan of attack. Literally millions of people declared their opposition to a military strike against Iraq; peace demonstrations were held in more than 600 cities around the world, including dozens in the United States.

U.S. Congress and State Legislatures Convene

January 7, 2003

The United States Senate and House of Representatives have convened the 108th Congress in Washington D.C. One of the first orders of business will likely be the extension of unemployment benefits for hundreds of thousands of unemployed. The benefit cut-off was due to the refusal of the Republican House leadership to extend exhausted benefits last December. The political heat on Congress to right this wrong has been intense, and passage of an extension of benefits is predicted.

Senate "Fast Track" Vote Imminent

May 18, 2002

The flood of phone calls demanding that the U.S. Senate amend or reject the big business "Fast Track" scheme have helped slow the progress of this job-killing legislation. The anti-worker U.S. Chamber of Commerce (CoC) and National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) have mobilized an army of business lobbyists to bribe and threaten Senators who do not yet support "Fast Track" in its most destructive form.

House Passes "Pension Reform" Bill - But Don't Celebrate Yet

April 12, 2002

The House of Representatives passed a bill yesterday that would place some limits on how employers handle 401(k) plans for workers. The bill passed by a 255-163 margin, after Democrats gave up attempts to improve the bill with amendments. The bill was promoted as a "pension reform" bill in the wake of the unraveling Enron fiasco. In reality - something in short supply in our big business-dominated Congress - it was merely a mis-named bill to provide some minimal protections and rights to holders of 401(k) accounts.

Bosses 2 - Workers 0... Last Week in Washington, D.C.

April 8, 2002

Corporate America celebrated two anti-labor decisions issued last week, one by our illustrious "Supreme" Court and the other by the Bush Administration. On Wednesday, April 3rd, the Supreme Court ruled that immigrant workers fired by their boss for trying to organize a union were not entitled to back pay. The 5-4 decision involved the cases of several workers at the Hoffman Plastic company in California who were fired from their jobs in 1989 after trying to form a union.

Amtrak Rail Passenger System In Danger of Liquidation

March 26, 2002

Without Congressional action over the next several months, our national rail passenger system - Amtrak - is in danger of being liquidated. Strained Amtrak finances are reeling under the weight of additional terrorism-related expenses, and without an infusion of cash by the U.S. Congress most long-distance inter-city train service could end by October 1st. In recent years the federal government has provided Amtrak with annual subsidies of $521 million dollars.
