End Iraq War, Build Jobs With Justice Say Convention Delegates

September 25, 2007


President Hovis called the session to order at 9:00. Resolutions committee member Sandy Coulter, Local 767, read the resolution, “Justice for New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.” Angaza Laughinghouse, Local 150, said this resolution was very important to his local and that UE 150 had sent member Kenny Myatt to the International Tribunal in New Orleans. Peter Knowlton, Northeast Region said the federal government’s failure to rebuild New Orleans reveals its racial and class bias. “If we can build a wall between San Diego and Tijuana, we can build a wall to protect the people of New Orleans.” Lauro Bonilla, Local 1103, also spoke for the resolution, which was unanimously adopted.

Matt McCracken, Local 506, read the resolution “Bring the Troops Home – End the Occupation.” Dale Stubenhofer, also of Local 506, spoke eloquently about his son, now on his second tour of duty in Iraq, and his anger at Bush and Cheney for their lies and their abuse and misuse of the troops. He said the situation in Iraq is unraveling quickly and we need to get out. Marie Lausch, Local 222, also spoke with passion of the effect of the war on civilians in Iraq. Dee Nance, Local 1004, an eight-year National Guard vet, faulted the Bush regime for sending Guard and Reserve forces into a war zone without adequate supplies or training. Jessica Morley, Local 203, has lost two high school friends who were killed in Iraq. Kim Peniska, Local 1187, said Bush should be impeached for what he’s done in Iraq. “In Washington, they know the war is a lost cause,” said Western Region President Carl Rosen. “So why don’t they bring the troops home?” Rosen attributed the continuation of the war to “cynical politics” and said only mass action can end the war. He urged locals to get involved in U.S. Labor Against the War.

Carmyn Stanko, Local 267, said reservists’ jobs are in jeopardy, and her local recently had to fight to get a veteran his job back. Bill Lynch, Local 262, sadi the only weapons of mass destruction are in the White House. The delegates unanimously approved the resolution.

The resolution “Collective Bargaining Rights for Public Employees” was then read by Allen Layman, Local 160 and Dan Bojarski, Local 506. Speaking in favor of the resolution were Larsene Taylor, Local 150; Carolyn Covington, Local 150; Bruce Dotson, Local 170; and Deb Moore, Local 160.

Cindy Casey, Local 506, and Jason McCullum, Local 1166, read the resolution, “Build Jobs with Justice and the People’s Movement.” Peter Knowlton, Carmyn Stanko, Bruce Klipple, Jessice Morley, and Armando Robles (Local 1110) all spoke in favor of the resolution, many of them emphasizing the benefits UE has derived from its work with JwJ. President Hovis then introduced Sarita Gupta, national director of JwJ, who addressed the convention. She gave some of the history of Jobs with Justice, described the kinds of struggles it has been and is involved with, and expressed appreciation for the central role UE has played in JwJ since its beginning.

Next item on the agenda was a detailed budget review by Secretary-Treasurer Bruce Klipple. Using a PowerPoint presentation on a large screen, Bruce walked delegates through the 2005-06, 2006-07, and 2007-08 budgets and the steps UE has taken to control spending and bring the deficit under control. One factor that has made our budgeting process much harder is the misnamed “Pension Protection Act,” which forced the union to drastically increase contributions to the UE Staff Pension Fund.

Marianne Hart, Western Region, and Marie Lausch, Northeast Region, co-conveners of the Policy Action Committee, introduced Mike Krugger, Local 506 and Sharry Niedfeldt, who read the committee’s report. It recommended four areas of union-wide action for the two years ahead: Health Care for All, Build Jobs with Justice and the People’s Movement, Independent Rank-and-File Political Action, and Protect and Expand Social Security. Speaking on the resolution, Marie Lausch said, “This is our charge – our goals – to put this into action.” Bob South of Local 234 and Roger Zaczyk, Local 506, also spoke in favor of the resolution, which was unanimously adopted.

The resolution “Fight Racism” was then read by Nathanette Mayo, Local 150. Peter Knowton, Northeast Region, Angaza Laughinghouse, Local 150, and Lauro Bonilla, Local 1103, all spoke for the resolution, which the convention then adopted by unanimous vote. The convention recessed until 2 o’clock p.m.


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