Delegates Approve Constitutional Amendments, Re-elect Officers

September 16, 2009

New Haven, CT
Wednesday Afternoon, September 16

Pres. Hovis called on Carl Rosen (Western Region) and Marie Lausch (222) to present the proposed amendments to the UE Constitution. Most of these had to do with the union’s finances, per capita and dues structure, and the pay of officers and staff members. All of the amendments approved by the convention must then be referred to the UE locals, where they are subject to membership vote.

A number of delegates rose to speak in favor of the amendments and the financial plan for the union. Peter Knowlton (Northeast Region) urged delegates not to "deny ourselves the resources we need." He said his wife belongs to another union, where her pay is half of his, but her union dues are double his. He also reminded delegates of the big bite taken out of UE’s financial resources by the cost of health coverage for the union’s staff, and that enactment of single payer would eliminate most of the union’s financial troubles. Armando Robles, president of Local 1110 and one of the leaders of the Republic sit-in, supported the amendments and said in his old union, the members received no representation and had no democracy. Pat Cox (279) said the national union had helped his local win an arbitration and get back the job of a member unjustly fired. He called UE dues "pretty cheap insurance to keep your job." Larsene Taylor (Eastern Region) said, "We wouldn’t be where we are without UE. It’s worth any sacrifice to keep this great union." Bruce Dotson (170) agreed. "We’ve been with UE for three short years. When we came to Pittsburgh and had that first meeting, things started changing in West Virginia. I don’t know where we’d be without UE."

Also speaking in favor of the amendments were Tom Gharing (622), Mary Stewart (618), Leo Grzegorzewski (506), Marie Lausch, Steve Hyser (506), Andrew Dinkelaker (Eastern Region), Judy Hedgepeth (120), Ray Pompano (243) and Paul Kay (222). The amendments were approved without opposition.

The convention then returned to resolutions. Resolutions committee co-convener Jessica Harig (203) read the resolution "Advance Women’s Rights." Mark Haller (506) proposed an amendment calling for child care availability for workers on all shifts. The delegates approved the amendment. Annie MacDonald (222) said it’s embarrassing that we’re still fighting this battle after so many years. Marie Lausch reported briefly on the previous evening’s Women’s Roundtable and said she was impressed with the participation of men. Ann Mollohan, (170) proposed an amendment, which was adopted, calling for a ban on discrimination on the basis of women’s health issues. Also speaking on the resolution were Mary McElroy (893), Carmyn Stanko (Northeast Region), Annie Dove (150), and Jason Trayer (506). The resolution was unanimously approved.

Next was the resolution "Defend the Rights of Immigrant Workers.’ Cleo Hester (893) read the body of the resolution and Dee Nance (1004) read the resolves. Wayne Burnett (506) supported the resolution, saying, "We need to stand up for everyone." Jessica Harig (203) spoke at length on the resolution. She denounced the hypocrisy and racism of the anti-immigrant movement. "International solidarity is just that – solidarity for the rights of workers regardless of country of origin, for the sole reason that we are all in this together." She pointed out that the country was largely built by the work of immigrants, and that undocumented immigrants work hard, pay taxes, support our communities, and in many cases have been here for more than a generation – yet are told that they have no rights.

Also speaking on the resolution were Lauro Bonilla (1103), Carole Braun (768) Bentley Derr (1008), Angaza Laughinghouse (150), Andrew Dinkelaker and Carl Rosen.

Nathanette Mayo (150) read the main text of the resolution "Fight Racism," and the resolves were read by Dawn Knight (170). Bruce Reese (332) proposed an amendment to one of the resolves to call for support of workers opposing racist terror tactics in all parts of the country, not just the South. Delegates approved the amendment. Cleo Hester (893) said former President Jimmy Carter is correct when he says that much of the attack on Pres. Obama is driven by racism. Angaza Laughinghouse said that both race-baiting and red-baiting are increasing in the country.

Ray Pompano expressed pride in the way the country voted in the last election. "But now it seems Obama has a target on his back." Obama has been attacked for speaking to school children. "No one said that when Reagan or Bush Senior did that. Racism is alive and well." He said that white people have a special responsibility to speak up. "Limbaugh makes $40 million a year to divide us. Also speaking on the resolution were Dennis Konieczko (506) and Brian Barrington (1421). The resolution was unanimously adopted.


Next on the agenda were the nomination and election of UE officers and trustees. For President, Bruce Reese nominated John Hovis, seconded by Dawn Knight. There being no other nominations, the delegates approved a motion to cast a single ballot for John Hovis. Bruce Klipple was nominated for General Secretary-Treasurer by Angaza Laughinghouse (150), seconded by Sherry Niedfeldt (1161); there were no other nominees and Klipple was elected by acclamation. Armando Robles (1110) nominated Bob Kingsley for Director of Organization; the nomination was seconded by Jeanette Weiland (208). He too was re-elected unanimously.

The convention then nominated and elected three national trustees and three alternates, representing the three UE regions. From the Northeast Region, Bruce Reese (332) was nominated for trustee, Annie MacDonald (222) for alternate. The Eastern Region nominees were Crystal Pratt (684) for trustee and Bud Decker (329) for alternate. From the Western Region, the nominees were Lauro Bonilla (1103) as trustee and Rosann Raymond (893), alternate. There being no contested races, the delegates voted to instruct the Secretary-Treasurer to cast a single ballot for each of the nominees. The national officers and trustees, and all members of the General Executive Board, then took the oath of office, administered by Pat Rafferty, who recently stepped down as business agent of Local 506.

The delegates had time to squeeze in consideration of one more resolution, "Defend Our Civil Liberties," which was read by Matt McCracken (506). Matt Mettler (896) said, "This is the one that enables us to do what we do." Carmyn Stanko (Northeast Region) reminded delegates that the Cold War attack on civil liberties in the 1950s "took UE down from being one of the largest unions." She added, "I was born in Germany, my parents came here in 1956. So I know what happens when people lose their liberties."

The resolution was unanimously adopted, and the convention recessed until Thursday morning. On Wednesday evening, delegates gathered to enjoy the convention banquet.


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