UE Members Join Big Chicago Protest Against Bankers, Speculators

October 11, 2011
UE members were among the 5,000 people who protested in Chicago on October 10 against national meetings of the Mortgage Bankers Association and the Futures Industry Association - two segments of the financial industry that have done a lot to ruin the economy for working people.

Protestors included members of Locals 1110 and 1177 as well as Warehouse Workers for Justice. In the front ranks of the above photo, from left to right, are Armando Robles, president of Local 1110; James Hill, president of Local 1177; Ricky Maclin, vice president of Local 1110; and Robert Hines, Warehouse Workers for Justice.

The march was organized by Stand Up Chicago, a union-backed coalition. The slogan "Banks got bailed out, we got sold out!" was coined by UE and became the rallying cry of Local 1110 members during their five-day occupation of Republic Windows and Doors in December 2008. It has now become the chant of anti-corporate protestors across the country, including the Occupy Wall Street movement.


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