Southern California UE Members Learn Skills, Discuss Green Locomotives at Subregion Education Event

March 9, 2024

Leaders from four Southern California UE locals met for a subregion education event on Friday, February 23. For several members, this was their first time attending a union event outside their own local.

Western Region President Bryan Martindale welcomed the group, and introduced Director of Organization Mark Meinster, who shared greetings on behalf of the national union.

Members engaged in an active steward training led by Director of Education Kari Thompson. They used their own experiences to build the confidence of new stewards, and worked through some exercises to discern when to file a grievance and when to address problems through organizing or internal dispute resolution.

After lunch, members learned about UE’s Green Locomotive Project from project staff Ryan Calbreath. They discussed the need for cleaner air in southern California, and one way to get there is by reducing diesel locomotive pollution. Members may have the opportunity to testify before a regional agency that regulates local air quality standards in the coming months.

Martindale also led a workshop on union finances and the importance of embracing UE’s policy of “Open Books, Tight Fists.”


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