UE NEWS Updates


Local 1021 Pushes Back On Health Costs, Wins Wage Increases, Language Improvements

April 21, 2010

UE Local 1021 members approved a new four-year contract with Kraco Enterprises on March 24 by a two-to-one margin. Over the term of the agreement members will receive $1 in wage increases. They also significantly held the line against the company’s attempt to shift the cost of healthcare premiums onto the workers.

UE Members Lobby Iowa Legislators, Win Passage of Early Retirement Bill

March 10, 2010

Some 40 UE members from Iowa locals and sub-locals participated in the union’s annual political action day in Des Moines on January 28. They lobbied state legislators on six areas of concern to the union, and within the following few days won a victory on one of those issues. Both houses of the legislature approved a bill providing early retirement incentives for state workers, and on February 10, Governor Chet Culver signed it into law.



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