Successful Convention Wraps Up Thursday Morning

September 25, 2007


President Hovis called the final session of the convention to order shortly after 9:00. Jonathan Nowlan, co-convener of the Resolution Committee, introduced Anne McDonald, Local 222, who read the resolution “Pay Equity for Paraprofessionals.” Colleen Ezzo, Local 222, talked about how paraprofessionals in Derby, Connecticut who work with students with behavioral problems save the school district the higher costs of outplacing these students. But they are underpaid. In their new UE contract, these UE members won 23 percent in wage increases, helping to reduce this inequity. The resolution was unanimously adopted.

The resolution “For Peace, Jobs and a Pro-Worker Foreign Policy,” read by Jonathan Nowlan and Karel Hoogenraad, Local 1139, was unanimously approved without discussion.

The resolution “Revitalize Our Nation’s Rail System” was read by Cindy Casey of Local 506, and was also adopted without debate. President Hovis then thanked, by name, each member of the UE staff who assisted in making the convention a success. President Peter Knowlton of the Northeast Region thanked the Eastern Region for hosting an excellent convention.

Brother Hovis then called on Field Organizer John Woodruff who led the delegates in singing labor’s anthem, “Solidarity Forever.” Delegates joined hands during the singing. The convention was then adjourned.


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