UE Local 115 Members March on the Boss and Win Fair Vacation Request Form

February 2, 2025

After a petition and a march on the boss, the members of UE Local 115, who work at the Refresco bottling plant, convinced their employer to abandon a confusing vacation request policy.

Last year, many members complained that the vacation request form was unnecessarily confusing. Initially, corporate representatives agreed that the company would not use the form any more. However, plant management published the same form this year.

The local ran a petition and collected signatures from 105 members, more than a majority at the plant. On Wednesday, January 29, the company responded to the petition by saying that they would continue to use the confusing form. In less than 24 hours, the local organized a march on the boss. Six members showed up to the plant manager's office unannounced, demanding that management use the normal vacation form for the plant and grant an extension to those that had already used the confusing form. The employer met the local’s demands only 20 minutes later.


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