UE NEWS Updates


Convention Applauds and Endorses UE International Solidarity Program

September 25, 2007


Following the afternoon workshops, the convention re-convened in full session at 4:00. The resolution on “International Solidarity” was read by resolution committee member Sandy Coulter, Local 767. President Hovis then called on UE International Affairs Director Robin Alexander to report to the delegates on UE’s international work.

Delegates Hear of Organizing Gains, Greet Newest UE Members

September 21, 2007


John Hovis called the convention back into session at 2:00. The resolution on immigrant rights was approved.

The resolution, “Organize the Unorganized” was then read by Larsene Taylor, Local 150: and Bob Rudek, Local 1111.

Gwen Gruber, Local 896 read the resolution “Labor Law Reform.” The two resolution were discussed together.

Brother Hovis then introduced Bob Kingsley, Director of Organization, who reported on the organizing program.

UE Convention Open Sunday

September 21, 2007


The 70th UE Convention was called to order at 9:21 a.m. Andrew Dinkelaker, president of the UE Eastern Region, host region for the convention, welcomed the delegates. He called on all the Eastern Region delegates to stand and be recognized. “Our strength comes from our unity and diversity,” said Dinkelaker.

Bargaining Reports, Immigrant Rights Top Convention's Monday Morning Agenda

September 21, 2007


President John Hovis called the convention to order at 9:00 a.m., and recognized Peter Knowlton, president of the Northeast Region and convener of the Resolutions Committee. Peter thanked the members of the Resolutions Committee for their hard work late into Sunday night. He then called on Nathanette Mayo, Local 150 and Pam Kelly, Local 222, who read the Collective Bargaining resolution.

Local 719 Members at DirecTech Win $1.9 Million in Back Pay

August 23, 2007

JBM Bluegrass Satellite/DirecTech has agreed to pay approximately $1.9 million to workers at its Columbus, Ohio facility for massive unfair labor practices the company committed in its efforts to destroy the workers’ union, UE Local 719. This is a major victory over an extremely anti-union employer; however, these workers are still engaged in a very difficult fight for their first UE contract.

Workers Raise Pay, Preserve Rights In Local 221-Flynn Theater Contract

August 23, 2007

UE Local 221 members at the Flynn Regional Box Office in Burlington, Vermont unanimously ratified a new three-year contract in June. The agreement includes wage increases of 3 percent each year for workers at the maximum rate, and annual raises of 4 and 5 percent for workers at lower rates. Before organizing with UE, wages at the Flynn ranged from minimum wage to just a dollar above minimum wage. By the end of

this contract, the Flynn workers’ fifth, the start rate will have reached $10.21 and the maximum rate $12.28.

Local 255 Negotiates Raises At Hunger Mountain Co-op

August 23, 2007

Workers at Hunger Mountain Co-op in Montpelier Vermont who are organized into UE Local 255 made significant progress in this round of contract negotiations. By keeping the members informed and remaining united, the final contract retained important protections and made some significant improvements. The new agreement, covering 108 workers, is a three-year contract with reopeners on wages, health insurance, retirement and gain share.



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