UE Statements

In between UE conventions, the elected General Executive Board and national officers issue statements applying UE policy to specific issues of the day. UE policy is set by rank-and-file delegates to our biennial national convention.

Defend Lula

April 16, 2018

The “conviction” and jailing of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, leader of the Brazilian labor movement and Workers Party candidate for President in the upcoming election this fall, is a travesty and crime against the people of Brazil and working people around the world. Lula, who served as President of Brazil from 2004-2012, has been jailed by a right-wing, anti-worker government without evidence or proof.

Junta General Ejecutiva de UE: “Lo que los Trabajadores Necesitan es una Política Industrial, no Aranceles”

March 12, 2018

Lo que los trabajadores requieren en Estados Unidos no son medias medidas, sino una política industrial que se base en la cooperación internacional, en el respeto a los derechos de los trabajadores y en la sostenibilidad ambiental; una política que eleve los niveles de vida de los trabajadores en las industrias, que se expanda más allá de las fronteras y que invierta en infraestructura, en empleos y programas sociales.

UE General Executive Board: "Workers Need an Industrial Policy Not Tariffs"

March 12, 2018

What American workers need is not partial half-measures, but a trade and industrial policy that is based on international cooperation, respect for workers’ rights, and environmental sustainability — one that raises living standards for workers across industries and across borders through investment in infrastructure, jobs and social programs.

UE Condemns Trump’s Tolerance of the White Supremacist Attacks in Charlottesville

August 14, 2017

White supremacists and neo-Nazi organizers emboldened by Trump’s presidency see the Trump era as their time and Trump has done absolutely nothing to discourage them. UE condemns the attack on Charlottesville VA and promises to continue organizing in our workplaces and communities to fight racism, fascism and bigotry.

DON'T MOURN, ORGANIZE: Statement of the UE National Officers on the Election of Donald Trump

November 14, 2016

The election of Donald Trump, while very disturbing, should not come as a complete shock. For the past several decades the political establishment in both parties has advanced a set of policies known as neoliberalism that has made life harder for working people. Neoliberalism includes free trade, deregulation, privatization, and dismantling the social safety net, and it has been pursued aggressively by Republican administrations since Reagan, and Democratic administrations starting with Bill Clinton. This election year brought rebellion in both parties against what Bernie Sanders called “establishment politics and establishment economics.” That rebellion took the form, in the Democratic primaries, of the inclusive progressive populism of Sanders, and on the Republican side, the authoritarian, bigoted populism of Trump.
